Baked Goods/ Desserts

Simple Grain-Free Blueberry Southern Cobbler

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Cobbler is as much as Southern things as fried chicken or cornbread.  So having a grain-free version was a must.

I have always loved cobbler, the old fashion kind.  Mama Bagwell and my Mother (Jean) always made cobbler when I was growing up and I always loved to watch them.  I have made quite a few cobblers in my lifetime.  I could eat an entire cobbler by myself and not share it with anyone, and not feel guilty about it either. 

Creating a grain-free cobbler was one of our more easier recipes to change.  I’m not really sure why creating this recipe was easier for me, other than I needed and wanted a cobbler.  I knew there had to be a way to recreate my heirloom recipe that had been passed down from my paternal grandmother to her daughter-in-law (my mother) to me (Vanessa) and to my daughter (Valancie).  And when there is a will, there is a way.  I guess you could say that the thing that stumped me the most was, what flour or combination of flour to use.  I just was not sure.  I wanted it as close as possible to my favorite cobbler recipe.  Since we started this journey coconut flour has been my go to flour.  But I knew I would have to add other flours to the coconut flour to get the right consistency.  So after trial and error.  We have finally created a cobbler recipe to share with you.

The flours that we use to make the dough of the cobbler consist of three flours.  Coconut flour is a great all purpose flour.  We use it in many recipes; however, it does have a drying effect (it likes to absorb moisture, think of it as the paper towel of flour).  Coconut flour does have a slight taste of coconut; however, if you are adding other ingredients with it, the coconut flour taste is diluted in all the other flavors. 

Tapioca Flour has no flavor and is more of a thickener.  It has a white fluffy texture.  Banana flour is made with green bananas.  The banana flour is brown in color.  This flour is more similar to wheat flour.  I use banana flour because it’s brown, which creates a nice brown crust on the cobbler.  Coconut flour and Tapioca flour do not brown well.  When all these flours are combined it gives you the perfect consistency for cobbler dough.  We really like the soft gooey dough.

We have several blueberry bushes and we gather the blueberries and freeze them so that we can have blueberries throughout the year.  But we always use all the blueberries before the next year.  So we have planted more blueberry bushes and even a couple of pink lemonade blueberry bushes.  Just can’t wait to taste the pink lemonade berries.  We have never tried them before.  The thing that we make the most with our blueberries is blueberry cobbler.  But we also just eat them off the bush while we are picking them.  This is probably the reason we run out before the next years harvest.

The maple syrup adds just the right amount of sweetness without over powering the blueberries.  You can choose to buy dark maple syrup for this recipe since it will not matter.  Some recipes do better with the lighter maple syrup because the color of whatever you are cooking matters.  So keep that in mind if you are cooking with maple syrup a lot.

How to make our Simple Grain-free Blueberry Southern Cobbler.


This is a simple recipe, and one without many steps.

To start we will need to preheat our oven to 350 degrees.  Now while the oven is preheating take nine tablespoons of organic ghee and put the ghee in the bottom of the baking pan.  The baking pan that we will be using is a 13.5” x 10” baking pan preferably with high sides (3” deep).  After we have the ghee in the bottom of the baking pan, place the baking pan into the oven.  We are waiting for the ghee to melt. 

In the mean time, we will measure out five cups of frozen blueberries.  We want blueberries with no sugar added to them and organic if possible.  If it is the right time of year and the blueberries are in season then by all means use five cups of fresh blueberries.  By now the ghee should be melted.  Let’s look.  Yes, the ghee is melted. 

With our potholders remove the baking pan from the oven.  Add the blueberries to the baking pan.  We hear a hissing sound as the blueberries come into contact with the hot ghee.  Again using our potholders open the oven and place the baking dish back into the oven while we mix up our wet and dry ingredients for the dough.  Don’t forget to close the oven door. 

In a mixing bowl we will take and place our sieve over the bowl and add all of our dry ingredients to the sieve.  First we will add a half of a cup of coconut flour, tapioca flour, banana flour then we will add one forth teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt and two teaspoons of grain-free baking powder.  Slowly move the sieve back and forth over the bowl until all of the dry ingredients are in the mixing bowl. 

We will now mix the dry ingredients with a spoon, just to make sure they are mixed together well.  Place the mixing bowl with the dry ingredients to the side.  Now with the other mixing bowl we will add all of our wet ingredients.  We will start by adding one and a forth cups of organic one hundred percent coconut milk, to the bowl.  Now lets add one cup of filtered water, one cup of organic maple syrup and one tablespoon of organic vanilla flavoring.  Stir the wet ingredients with a spoon to mix them together. 

Now for the fun part, we will add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients.  Start by adding a little at a time of the wet ingredients to the dry, mixing as we go along.  Keep adding and mixing until all the wet ingredients have been added to the dry.  There may be a few lumps, don’t worry.  Use the whisk and whisk the batter until there are no clumps.  Set the bowl to the side and again with the potholder remove the baking pan from the oven. 

Now we are going to pour the batter over the warm blueberries starting around the perimeter and moving to the center drizzling the batter until the blueberries are covered and all the batter is in the baking pan.  Using a pot holder place the baking pan back into the oven for ninety minutes.  The oven should still be at 350 degrees.  After the cobbler is finished cooking remove the cobbler  from the oven, again protect your hands with a potholder, and place the baking dish to cool for about an hour before you serve.  Enjoy!


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