Appetizer/ Condiments/ Snacks

Organic Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter

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Here at Our Southern Odyssey we love basic easy recipes that can be made in advance and that are delicious.  Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter is one of those recipes.  All you need is high quality raw organic sprouted pumpkin seeds and a food processor.  Our recipe that we provide is for creamy pumpkin seed butter.

So what are pumpkin seeds?  Pumpkin seeds are medium size edible seeds of pumpkins.  The seeds are flat and oval and are light green in color.  The seeds are located in the center of the pumpkin.  Pumpkin seeds are high in so many nutrients including: potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and as well as protein and fiber.  We recommend buying organic raw sprouted pumpkin seeds.

Sprouted pumpkin seeds are soaked resulting in the sprouting of the seeds.  This is an ancient technique that is making a comeback.  Sprouting seeds makes the seeds easier for the body to digest the nutrients in the seeds.  If the seeds were left in their original form without being sprouted our bodies would not be able to get as much of the nutrition that the seed had to offer.  Its like paying for a complete meal but only receiving half.  It is really a waste.  Sprouting the seeds, also, bring resting enzymes to the surface.  

Simply put – nuts, seeds and grains all possess defenses that protects them from being eaten.  That way they can fall to the ground and take root and grow into a plant completing the plants lifecycle.  To prevent bugs and such from eating them the seed has a chemical defense.  This chemical defense is actually bad for us; because, we do not get the nutrients that we need.  However, when seeds are sprouted their natural chemical defense is reduced.  This allows us to absorb more nutrients from the seeds.

What has a complex flavor that is incredible?  That would be pumpkin seeds.  Sprouted Pumpkin Seed Butter has a sweet, nutty taste that is very unique.  I personally think that pumpkin seed butter actually taste better than classic peanut butter.  The texture is smooth and velvety with a slight buttery taste.  Who knew that something so healthy could taste so incredible! 

Pumpkin seed butter can last for about one week in the refrigerator.  Unlike pumpkin seeds that can be kept on the counter, pumpkin seed butter has to be refrigerated to keep it from going rancid.  After the pumpkin seed butter is made it might be a little warm.  Because as the food processor is breaking up the seeds the seeds heat up.  Allow the pumpkin seed butter to cool a little before eating or serving it.

Pumpkin seed butter can be paired with fresh fruit perfectly.  Some fruits to chose include sliced apples, pears, or my favorite, celery with raisins.  So next time you are preparing a fruit tray use pumpkin seed butter as a condiment.  This will be a great conversation starter.   

Another thing that makes pumpkin seeds so amazing is that they are gluten-free.  Gluten is a protein found in some grains such as wheat.  Gluten acts like a glue that helps hold bread together.  Therefore, if it is a grain always check to see if it is gluten-free.  Pumpkin seeds are seeds from a pumpkin and gluten-free.

You can buy pre-made pumpkin seed butter from different retailers.  But it is expensive.  And not all pumpkin seed butters are alike.  Some pumpkin seed butters are not made with sprouted seeds and others have added sugar and fillers.  Pumpkin seed butter is so easy to make that making your own is a breeze.  The benefit of making your own pumpkin seed butter is that you will know exactly what is in your butter.

Pumpkin seed butter is made from seeds not nuts: Unless you are adding nuts specifically to the pumpkin seeds and mixing them.  So if you cannot eat nuts do not add nuts to the pumpkin seeds.  Pumpkin seed butter that just contains pumpkin seeds is nut-free.  For people who have issues with nuts pumpkin seed butter is amazing.  Pumpkin seed butter makes a great alternative to nut butters.  Anything that you would normally put peanut butter on, sprouted pumpkin seed butter can be substituted.

Our recipe for pumpkin seed butter calls for Organic Raw Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds.  Here is a tip, when you are using a recipe to make a dish always follow the recipe as is the first time you make it.  Then after you taste it if you want to change it and make it unique to you, go ahead.  That way you have a basis and know the flavor you have so you can add additional flavor without shooting from the hip into darkness.  This will provide you with direction which is always a wonderful thing to have.  

For the sprouted pumpkin seed butter you could add flaxseeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut oil, maple syrup or honey to the mix.  It really is up to you.  Additional oil is sometimes added for creaminess as well as it adds to the quickness in which the pumpkin seed butter is made, by taking the stress off the food processor.  Just remember that you do not need to add that much.  The oil can take the flavor away from the pumpkin seeds leaving you with oily butter.  And that just does not sound appealing.  

When adding a sweetener to the pumpkin seed butter you need to be cautious.  Remember that pumpkin seeds are sweet on their own so adding additional sweetener many be a little much.  If you are determined to add a sweetener to your pumpkin seed butter; because, you assume you will need it.  I recommend you first try the pumpkin seed butter as is.  Then you can make any personal adjustments later.  Also, it is important to note that pumpkin seed butter taste totally different from regular loose pumpkin seeds.  And sprouted pumpkin seeds taste different from regular pumpkin seeds.


This recipe is really simple to make.  First you will need high quality raw sprouted pumpkin seeds that are organic.  Next you will need to add the correct amount of pumpkin seeds to the food processor.  Begin by pulsing the seeds.  As the seeds are pulsed you will notice how the raw sprouted pumpkin seeds go from whole seeds, to a flour, to a dough like consistency, then to a creamy consistency.  When you get the pumpkin seeds to a flour consistency you can go from pulsing the seeds, to turning the food processor on low and allowing it to continually cut the seeds smaller and smaller until you have butter.  The pumpkin seed butter maybe hot after you make the butter; therefore, you may need to let the butter cool for a little bit before eating.  The pumpkin seed butter can be stored in the refrigerator for one week.  However, I do not think that it will last that long.  It is so delicious.  And that is all you need to make your own silky-smooth pumpkin seed butter.


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