Cooking 101

Basic Classic Cast Iron Skillet Fried Eggs

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“Basic Classic Cast Iron Skillet Fried Eggs”

Our Southern Odyssey

We eat, over easy fried eggs, as well as what I call an empty omelet.  Vanessa is in favor of an over easy fried egg.  She loves to eat them over fresh sweet potato hash.  I am in favor of the empty omelet.  Basically, I crack the egg in a small bowl and then take a fork and beat it to death.    Then I take and pour it into the cast iron skillet and cook it like I would an over easy fried egg.  I then do my second egg the same way.  We both have two eggs just about every morning.  To garnish the eggs after we plate them we sprinkle fresh ground pepper, pink Himalayan salt, and parsley over the eggs.  We normally have steamed broccoli and fresh strawberries or a honeydew melon.  We cook our eggs in coconut oil that actually goes really well with the eggs.

Here is the instructions for a basic fried egg


First find your cast iron skillet and place it on the eye (burner).  Turn the eye on medium low heat.  Add the Coconut Oil to the skillet and let melt.  Make sure the bottom of the skillet is covered.  The worst thing that could happen is for the eggs to become stuck to the bottom of the skillet, so always make sure you have a well seasoned cast iron skillet.

Now, you can decided how you would like to proceed.  You could crack the egg on the side of the skillet, if you are feeling confident and don’t think that you will get any of the shell in the skillet.  If you are a little cautious, you can alway crack the egg into a small bowl and then pour it into the heated oil in the skillet.  If your egg is cooking a little to fast you can alway cut down the heat.  The great thing about a cast iron skillet is that it hold its heat really well.  Therefore, even if you turn your heat down a little you will not have a dramatic drop in the temperature of the skillet.  Allow the egg to cook until the clear part of the egg turns white.

Note: You will not need to turn the egg until the clear part is really white, not just lightly white.  If you try to turn the egg when it is just turning white, as soon as you place the spatula under the egg it will fall apart.  Remember that an egg is very delicate.  It may take a couple of tries to get it right.  But just remember, that if you flip your egg and it falls apart or the yoke breaks and you think that you have a complete mess.  Just finish cooking the egg anyway, it still eats the same.  Add a little pepper, Himalayan salt and parsley – Eat and Enjoy.  Then the next morning try it again.   It may take some work but you will eventually get it.

Once you have flipped the egg, cook the egg on the other side for just a minute.  Now you have a basic fried egg.




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